Affordable Art Fair
Affordable Art Fair is open today until Sunday don't miss your chance to see/buy some great art Please visit the Printmakers Council Stand
Affordable Art Fair
Affordable Art Fair is open today until Sunday don't miss your chance to see/buy some great art Please visit the Printmakers Council Stand
Affordable Art Fair
Delivered my work into to Printmakers Council in London today ready for the Affordable Art Fair , first time I've driven in London for years. Just got back and seen...
Affordable Art Fair
Delivered my work into to Printmakers Council in London today ready for the Affordable Art Fair , first time I've driven in London for years. Just got back and seen...
Open Studios
I am preparing for Open Studios this weekend - forecast is lovely so hopefully lots of happy visitors. Starting a new linocut of a local scene to be demonstrating throughout...
Open Studios
I am preparing for Open Studios this weekend - forecast is lovely so hopefully lots of happy visitors. Starting a new linocut of a local scene to be demonstrating throughout...
Patchings Art Festival
Just found out I have had "Brasserie" accepted in the Patchings Art Exhibition
Patchings Art Festival
Just found out I have had "Brasserie" accepted in the Patchings Art Exhibition